
A message from pastor:

Dear Friends,

Greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ! As you see when you enter our sacred space, the baptismal font is the first thing you encounter. What a fine reminder to us all that baptism is the first sacrament of initiation into the Christian Community, and that by our baptism we are called to participate fully in the life and mission of the Church.

Our participation in the Church as lived at St. Patrick Catholic Community begins with the gathering at the Liturgy. Our sacramental celebrations draw us together in prayer and call us to become the transformative presence that the world desires and, indeed, needs. Nourished by Word and Eucharist, we offer ourselves as a community of hospitality, we discern the ways in which we live the value of stewardship, and we take on the task of becoming the visible presence of Christ. Thus we take on ministries of hospitality and faith formation, presence and healing, care for those in difficulties whether spiritual or material, action and advocacy, outreach and assistance, counseling and support, solidarity and service, all the while demonstrating our care for the dignity of the human person from conception to natural death. We serve, knowing that the Christian life is not one of spectatorship, rather it is one that consistently invites our participation and commitment.

This page offers information on the many ways in which the gifts —that is, the passions, skills and experience—of St. Patrick parishioners are shared with the community. May it serve as a guide and inspiration for you as you discern the ways in which you participate in the ministry to which your baptism has invited you.

Peace in Christ,
Fr. Eric Tellez

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Adopt-a-Family provides opportunities for parishioners to provide Christmas needs to families struggling economically.

Adult Confirmation

Adult Confirmation for practicing Catholic adults who have not been confirmed. An individual study process will be created to your particular needs as your preparation to be confirmed at the Easter Vigil. Must have three months in order to be prepared.

Adult Formation and Parish Spirituality

Adult Formation and Parish Spirituality are an invitation to life-long learning and community strengthening at St. Patrick. Leadership training events, faith formation opportunities, retreats and scripture study occur on an ongoing basis all year round.

Adult Initiation (AI)

Adult Initiation (AI) is the process by which adults wishing to become Catholic—including those who have not been baptized and those who were baptized in another Christian faith—are invited to journey with our community to the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.

Adult Initiation Sponsors

Adult Initiation Sponsors are members of the parish community who, functioning as trusted companions, accompany adults wishing to become members of our Catholic faith on their journey.

Adult Initiation Team

Adult Initiation Team are individuals with a deep and active faith and a listening ear who serve on either the adult or family teams.

Advocacy Ministry/Valley Interfaith Project

Advocacy, as a member of Valley Interfaith Project, is an active ministry focused on community organization to effect the social teachings of the Church. The ministry organizes and develops relationships with local leaders to address community issues and needs.


Alateen is part of the Al-Anon group and serves teens of alcoholics. Meetings, Fridays at 7:00 PM.

Alcoholic Anonymous/Al-Anon Meetings

Women’s AA, Thursdays at 6:00 PM. Al-Anon Meetings, Fridays at 7:00 PM.


Join a conversation! Alpha is a series of group conversations that explore the basics of the Christian faith. Everyone's welcome. You're invited, no matter your background or beliefs. Enjoy a meal and connect with new people. Watch an episode on a question of faith. Share your thoughts and hear from others.

Altar Servers

This is an opportunity for youths in the 4th grade or older to assist the priest who presides at Mass, become involved in the parish, and become an integral part of the celebration of liturgy. Training and mentoring are provided.

André House

André House ministers to the homeless and poor in our community by providing showers, clothing, emergency services, and meals six days a week.

Annulment Ministry

Annulment Ministry provides support and direction for those seeking an annulment. Every Catholic, every person who has been married and divorced, has the right to petition for an annulment. An appointment may be made with the Pastor to discuss your situation or with Deacon Jim Hostutler and the ministry team to begin the process.

Area Agency on Aging benefits assistance program

Area Agency on Aging benefits assistance program provides objective information about Medicare and other health insurance benefits to seniors, the disabled, and caregivers.

Art and Environment

The church celebrates the liturgy in a holy environment using an abundance of signs, symbols, and rituals that supports prayerful worship, and using church décor and environmental accents during liturgical seasons and special occasions. Flare for art and design helpful.

Behavioral Health Initiative

Behavioral Health Initiative is an interest group that keeps mental health issues a priority in the faith-based community and the community-at large. We aim to support individuals and families dealing with mental health issues in three areas of focus: Education, Advocacy and Direct Service. This ministry supports NAMI Family to Family Support Group. This group meets every first Monday of the month, August-May, from 6:00-7:30 pm.

Bereavement Ministry

Bereavement Ministry serves as an extension of the community by reaching out in support and care to those experiencing loss and grief, through letters, informational mailings on grief and self care, and phone calls.

Beyond Sunday at Westminster Village

Beyond Sunday at Westminster Village provides full St. Patrick parish services and resources to the Catholic residents living at Westminster Village as needed.

Beyond Sunday Communities/SCC

Beyond Sunday Communities/SCC is a faith-nourishing way of “being church” and offers the opportunity to gather in small groups to reflect on scripture and the invitation to a truly living relationship with Jesus.

Blessed Bakers

Blessed Bakers provide home-baked goods for refreshments at various parish events and meetings.

Calling Ministry

Calling Ministry is for you if you enjoy calling people on the phone. Occasionally throughout the year, we call our parishioners from the Parish Office to share with them upcoming events and to make sure we have all their correct information in our database.

Cancer Support Community Arizona

Cancer Support Community Arizona provides free professional, emotional, social support for anyone impacted by cancer. Any cancer, any age, any stage - no one should face cancer alone.

Cancer Support Group

Cancer Support Group assists cancer patients, their families and their friends. Ministry members intervene during this difficult time to strengthen spiritual growth.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Atrium)

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Atrium) is an excellent approach to children’s faith formation based on the principles of Maria Montessori, for children aged 4 through grade 3. Rooted in the Bible and the Liturgy, presentations are offered so as to develop the religious potential present in every child.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)

Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) is a continuation of the Mass for children aged 4 through grade 5 at all weekend Masses throughout the school year. All children are welcome.

Christians in Commerce (Men)

Christians in Commerce (Men) is an ecumenical organization which encourages and equips Christians to live as Christ in the circumstances of their lives by bringing Christ’s truth, love, healing, justice and excellence to the marketplace.

Confirmation & First Eucharist

Children who were baptized as infants and have reached grade 3 may prepare for the Sacraments of Confirmation & First Eucharist. Children must have prior religious education & be enrolled in Christian Formation.


Cursillo is a Catholic movement which works towards the renewing of Christian life.

Delightful Quilters

Delightful Quilters is a group who meets monthly to share, learn and give back to the community through the creative use of fiber arts. All are welcome, beginners and experienced alike.

Divorced and Separated Ministry

Divorced and Separated Ministry offers healing and recovery for adults of all ages, whether recently separated or divorced for many years.


Sunday donuts are offered after the Sunday morning 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM Masses hosted by the St. Patrick Knights of Columbus.

Duet Partners in Health and Aging

Duet Partners in Health and Aging promotes health and well-being through a broad range of services to homebound adults, caregivers, faith communities and grandparents raising grandchildren.

EDGE Core Team Members

EDGE Core Team Members are the heart and soul of the middle school youth ministry experience. In teams of two or three, EDGE core members lead small group discussions and activities. Session plans are distributed to core members a week in advance for review and preparation.

Emergency Assistance Ministry (EAM)

Emergency Assistance Ministry (EAM) provides financial assistance, interpersonal support, and community referrals to individuals within the parish boundaries who are in need of immediate support. EAM also strives to build and maintain referral partnerships with other social service agencies throughout the community so that all resources can be maximized for the client’s benefit.

Eucharistic Adoration Ministry

The Blessed Sacrament Chapel with continue to be open every day from 9:00 am until 8:00 pm for private prayer and adoration. Please use the Sign In Book for anyone who wishes to provide their name, date, time of their visit and note any special intentions.

Eucharistic Ministers

Holy Communion increases our union with Christ. Just as bodily food sustains our physical life, so Holy Communion nourishes our spiritual life. Eucharistic Ministers present the Body and Blood of Christ to those who come to Holy Communion at all liturgies. Training provided.

Evangelization and Family Ministries

Evangelization and Family Ministries together create opportunities for discipleship-living and community strengthening at St. Patrick and beyond. Leadership training events, faith formation sessions i.e. Alpha Program and Living Your Strengths, parent support groups, relationship building opportunities occur on an ongoing basis all year round.

Fair Trade Ministry

Fair Trade Ministry offers parishioners an opportunity to support and purchase fair trade products, allowing us to participate in the economy in a fundamentally moral and just way. A bazaar is organized to stand in solidarity with our low income brothers and sisters around the world.

Family / Personal Support Counselor

A Catholic Charities counselor is available every Monday in the Parish Office from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

Family Faith Formation

Family Faith Formation begins at home. To assist families with faith formation of their elementary aged children, the parish provides the most current books and materials for parents to use in study and faith sharing at home. Parents work at the child’s pace, utilizing a method of learning appropriate to each child. Home Study materials are provided four times during the year.

Family Initiation

Family Initiation is the process for families wishing to have their children, ages 7-17, receive the Sacraments of Initiation—Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Parents and children are welcomed into the Church and prepared for the sacraments by attending weekly sessions. Parents serve as sponsors for their children and participate in a variety of activities.

Family Promise Ministry

Family Promise Ministry collaborates with Family Promise of Greater Phoenix to reduce family homelessness in the area by providing shelter, case management, assistance and life-skills training so families can gain self sufficiency.

Finance Committee

Finance Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Pastor. The committee meets quarterly.

Financial Peace University

Through video, class discussion and interactive small group activities, FPU presents Biblical and practical steps to get from where you are to where you’ve dreamed you could be. It will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely and much more!

First Reconciliation

Children who were baptized as infants may prepare to begin celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation when they reach grade 2. They must have prior religious education and be enrolled in Christian Formation.

Food Drive

Food Collection - Weekly - The food is distributed weekly to Vista del Camino and Paz de Cristo.

Full Circle Program

Full Circle is a staff facilitated 12 step based enthusiastic recovery alternative peer group for young people struggling with a variety of issues. Weekly support meetings for both parents and youth are led by those who have been through similar issues.

Funeral Hospitality

Funeral ministers assist parish families experiencing a loss through death of a loved one and collaborate with mortuary staff for the funeral by offering hospitality and support to the family and guests. They assist during Mass preparation and perform other duties. Flexible schedule.

Funeral Reception Hospitality

Funeral Reception Hospitality ministry provides a physical presence of hospitality to parishioners and guests at funeral receptions, helping all to feel at home in the house of God, especially during this most difficult time.

Giving Tree

Giving Tree is an annual ministry that assists community agencies to meet identified needs of families and individuals at Christmas time. Needs that are identified are placed on Christmas ornaments that adorn the tree in our Narthex.

Golf Cart Ministry

Parking is always an issue for a busy parish like ours. Our Golf Cart Ministers drive our parking lot and the lot in the office complex next door to provide rides to and from the sidewalk outside the church.

Grief Support Group

Grief Support Group is an ongoing, Christ-centered faith sharing group for those who need consolation and support after losing a loved one. Days and times vary.

Habitat for Humanity

Caritas Coalition for Habitat for Humanity (Central Arizona) is a non-profit ecumenical agency that strives to eliminate poverty/substandard housing. Through volunteer labor, monetary donations and materials, Habitat builds affordable houses with the help of the homeowner/partner families.

Hike for the Homeless

Hike for Hope supports St. Joseph the Worker, which helps people achieve self-sufficiency through quality employment. Hikers are needed once a year to join St. Patrick Hike for Hope Team.

Homeless MATters Ministry

Homeless MATters Ministry creates sleeping mats for individuals who are experiencing homelessness and living on the streets. The ministry meets weekly to prepare the plastic grocery bags into balls of yarn and they crochet into sleeping mats.

Hope Exists

Hope Exists is a support group of parents helping parents. We meet every week to offer education and support, at no cost, for parents dealing with a son or daughter battling with addiction. Hope Exists can also help spouses who feel they have to parent a partner with addiction issues.

Hospitality Ministers

The Church is to be a sign of God’s Kingdom in the world. Ministers of Hospitality offer a warm and friendly greeting to welcome the community as they arrive for Mass, assist with seating and take up weekly offerings at all Masses.

Hunger and Food Insecurity

A JustFaith small group program that explores the root causes of food insecurity in our country and how people of faith can respond. You'll gain a deeper understanding of how food and farming policies impact people, how "food deserts" can form within neighborhoods, how racism can drive deficits in nutrition, and other topics. 8 two hour sessions plus one immersion experience.

Infant Baptism

The parish Baptism team assists parents as they prepare for the Baptism of infants or young children to the age of seven. The team focuses on helping parents understand their role in their child’s spiritual life and growth by supporting them in undertaking this task.


JustFaith is an adult and youth faith formation program that encourages participants to educate themselves about social issues. Small faith groups discern their faith response through prayer/readings/discussion/videos/reflection.

Kid’s Corner Ministry

St. Patrick Catholic Community nursery provides a safe and supervised childcare environment during Saturday and Sunday Masses to allow parents to worship more attentively. Pagers are provided for contact if a parent needs to return to the nursery for any reason.

Kitchen Ministry

Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus is a Catholic organization for men dedicated to Faith, Family, and Fraternity, the foundation upon which they stand. Knights work together to enhance and aid the Church and community through several charitable endeavors, which include seminarian assistance.

Knights of Columbus-St. Patrick Ladies

Knights of Columbus-St. Patrick Ladies support and help the Knights of Columbus in its spiritual, charitable and social projects. The ministry meets socially and upholds the foundation of family while maintaining the purpose of the Knights of Columbus.

Lectors, Ministers of the Word (Daily)

Weekday lectors, following a flexible schedule, are committed to ensuring the complete setting up of liturgical gifts, lighting of candles and maintaining of Eucharistic Vessels. They also proclaim the first reading and responsorial psalm.

Lectors, Ministers of the Word (Weekend)

Lectors, Ministers of the Word (Weekend) engage the parish community in thoughtful reflection on the Word of God through proclamation of the scriptures, prayers of the faithful, responsorial psalms, general intercessions and petitions. Special liturgical proclamation teams may be selected to proclaim Gospel at selected Masses.


St. Patrick Community Library is available to all parishioners in the Dorothy Day room at the House of Mercy.

Life Teen Core Members

Life Teen Core Members consist of parishioners 20 years old and older who have a passion for mentoring, witnessing, and sharing our faith with teens. These adults are essential models in the formation of our high school teens.

Liturgical Hospitality Ministers

The Church is to be a sign of God’s Kingdom in the world. Ministers of Hospitality offer a warm and friendly greeting to welcome the community as they arrive for Mass, assist with seating, and take up weekly offerings at all Masses.

Maggie’s Place

Maggie’s Place provides support and assistance to young expectant mothers-to-be without a home or family so they may keep their babies and build a new life. St. Patrick ministry members assist with office or administrative work, run errands, prepare meals, and work with new mothers.

Magis Women

Seeks to help women live out their faith through prayer, study of the word, and loving fellowship. Nine sessions meet once a week for 7-8 weeks, twice a year.

Marriage Preparation

Engaged couples enter into the marriage preparation process as outlined in our “Marriage Preparation Guide” which can be found in the Narthex of our Church. This process includes the FOCCUS instrument, meeting with a Mentor Couple, taking the Couple Communication Program, and an individual session with the counselor on Family of Origin.

Marriage Preparation Mentor Couples

This ministry is supported by Mentor Couples who, serving as a connection to the Church Community, meet with and prepare couples for marriage, including facilitating the FOCCUS Instrument.

Media Ministry

This ministry creatively supports liturgy and all ministry events at St. Patrick in the use of media and technology as an outreach tool. The Media Ministry records various events in audio as well as video, producing parish content for Mass, the website and podcast.

Men’s Club

Men’s Club provides service, spirit and fellowship. Service projects assist the disadvantaged in our community by partnering with Adopt-A-Family, St. Joseph the Worker and St. Vincent de Paul. Annual events include Memorial Mass for departed members, Christmas Party, St. Patrick Dinner/Dance, Golf Classic, Baseball Outing, President’s Dinner and more.

Men’s Faith Sharing Group

Men of the parish meet to read and reflect on the next Sunday’s Gospel, sharing their insights on the reading. Outreach opportunities include prison ministry, visits to hospitals and nursing homes, and feeding poor and homeless men at St. Vincent de Paul in Phoenix. Meets on Monday from 7:00–8:00 AM.

Men’s Mass & Breakfast

Men’s Mass & Breakfast meets four times on Saturdays from September to April for the purpose of fellowship with other Catholic men.

Ministry for Women - Outreach

Ministry for Women - Outreach has a vibrant outreach dimension with service projects benefitting vulnerable women and children.

Ministry of Care

Eucharistic Ministers visit, pray, and take the Eucharist to members of the community who are unable to attend Mass. The ministry serves those in Honor Health - Shea, Honor Health - Thompson Peak, assisted living facilities and the homebound.

Moms at St. Patrick

Moms at St. Patrick is open to moms of all ages and stages. We meet on select Tuesdays. Childcare is available for all meetings. The ministry also includes opportunities for service, moms nights out, book club, bible study, seasonal devotionals and more.

Money Counters

Money Counters process and prepare the collections for bank deposit. Time commitment is about 2 ½ to 3 hours. Counters are scheduled on a rotation basis. Banking experience and adding machine experience are very helpful.

Music Ministry

Through this ministry, choir members and instrumentalists musically enhance the Liturgy. Adult Choir, Cantors, Instrumentalists, Youth and Young Adult Choir, and Singing Angels are all part of the music ministry. There are weekly rehearsals.

Name Tag Sunday Ministry

Name Tag Sunday Ministry greets and welcomes parishioners on “Name Tag Sunday,” inviting them to fill out a Name Tag. Ministers arrive 30 minutes before Mass.

North Valley Coalition on Aging

North Valley Coalition on Aging is free of charge and open to consumers and representatives of agencies and organizations, which provide services, directly or indirectly, to the aging population.

Office Assistants

Office Assistants are parishioners who provide support and clerical help working with staff to assist with tasks essential to running the parish office. Computer graphic skills for special projects or flyers are an additional need.

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe celebrates this Feast Day each December with Mass and a celebration after with food and mariachis in Fenlon Hospitality Center.

Parish Nurse

Parish Nurse ministry is made up of nurses who assist and support members of the community with their physical, emotional and spiritual well-being through compassionate care, health education, health advocacy and by serving as a liaison to community services.

Paz de Cristo

Paz de Cristo feeds the hungry by providing daily meal service and nutritious food boxes, community referrals to housing and medical care and engagement in empowerment programs to improve the quality of their lives.

Photographer Ministry

Photographer Ministry captures the essence and spirit of our parishioners, staff, and others as they participate in events and activities planned and scheduled at our parish.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Prayer Shawl Ministry combines compassion, love of knitting/crocheting and fellowship into a prayerful ministry that reaches out and provides physical and spiritual comfort to those in our community who are hurting.

Prayers of the Faithful Writing Ministry

Members of this committee, through the interpretation of the Sunday readings and private prayer, prepare the General Intercessions (prayers we make on behalf of the needs of others) or Prayers of the Faithful on a rotating basis. These prayers are read at Sunday liturgy during the Liturgy of the Word. Members meet once or twice a year.

Prison Ministry

Prison Ministry is a new ministry that has four areas of focus: Prison Visits, Back to School Drive, Get on the Bus Arizona, and Advocacy.

Receptionists Ministry

Receptionists Ministry helps augment office staff to assist and serve the needs of a growing parish community. Responsible for telephone and light office duties. Flexible four hour blocks of volunteer time on average.

Red Ambassadors

This ministry offers information at an assigned location in the Narthex before and after all weekend Masses. The ministers in this role greet parishioners, answer questions, give directions and accept inquiries for a follow-up reply by staff or ministry coordinators.


Retrouvaille is a program designed to provide help/support to married couples undergoing difficulties in their relationship. It has also been helpful to couples who are separated or divorced.

Rock 45

Rock 45 is a ministry to 4th and 5th Grades where children participate in the semester’s theme in both large and small group interaction. Children spend time in theme presentation, prayer, small group discussion, creative projects and service activities. This ministry meets on Mondays from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm during the Fall and Spring semester.

Rosary Ministry

Rosary Ministry encourages devotion to the Blessed Mother and her Rosary. Meets Monday through Friday after morning Mass in the Daily Mass Chapel.

Sacristan Ministry

Sacristans are responsible for setting up the bread and wine, chalices and cruets for Sunday Mass. Training is provided.

Sanctuary Care

Sanctuary Care ministers work “behind the scenes” to maintain the sanctuary including the fixtures, candleholders, the holy water fonts in the church as well as the daily mass chapel. Additionally, they clean altar linens, albs, and altar server robes. Training is provided. Flexible schedule.

Senior Ministry

Senior Ministry provides support and enriches the spiritual, educational and social facets in the lives of our community. We offer monthly events open to all in the parish and friends.

Stephen Ministry

Stewardship Council

Stewardship is Discipleship. It is a way of life and a response to Jesus’ call to imitate Him. As a member of the Pastoral Stewardship Council you will help parishioners grow as Christian Disciples in Mission by providing opportunities for Praying, Serving and Giving in our community and beyond.

Sunday Coffee/Donuts

Coffee and lemonade are offered by members of this ministry following Sunday morning Masses (8:00 AM & 10:30 AM). This is a great way to meet parishioners and have fun at the same time.

Synod Listening Sessions

The Synod Listening Sessions group will be the focal point to lead our community as we go forward in the synodal process. We Will lead the gathering, analyzing and disseminating of the community's input and develop plans to implement action items resulting from information and ideas gathered int he listening sessions.

That Man is You

That Man is You, becoming a man after God’s own heart is a 26 week interactive program divided into two 13 week sessions. The first 13 weeks focuses on developing the vision of man and the second 13 weeks focuses on becoming “that man.”

The Next Chapter

The Next Chapter is a group for men and women further along on their grief journey. We will address the ongoing needs after the loss of a loved one through spiritual, educational and social activities.

Training for Edge

Training for Edge includes team building. A weekly commitment to Sunday liturgy (Mass) is required plus a commitment to serving as a Christian role model with a desire to minister to middle school youth through the love of Christ.


This ministry gives parishioners the opportunity to provide direct service to students in the surrounding school districts by tutoring children and assisting teachers in the classroom.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is a summer, multigenerational enrichment program for children aged 4 through grade 5. The parish offers a VBS week yearly in June and July, each week with its own unique theme. Children, teens, and adults come together every year to laugh, play, and grow in God's Word. VBS connects kids to God, creates change in their hearts, and gives them opportunities to share God’s love with others.

Walking with Moms in Need

Walking with Moms in Need helps the parish community "walk in the shoes of local pregnant and parenting women in need. this ministry helps support local pregnancy centers where they exist, and also help to find and share other resources with pregnant and parenting women. when needed, This ministry will also work to create their own resources based on the gifts of the community.

Walking with Purpose Bible Study

Walking with Purpose provides support via bible studies in a variety of ways in order to lead hearts to Christ where He is found in scripture for women of our community and beyond.

Water Hydration Drive

Water Hydration Drive provides water for people experiencing homelessness, elderly and disabled through the Heat Relief Network’s hydration stations throughout the Valley.

We Pray For You

We Pray For You a Small Church Community group accepts parishioner prayer requests and sends them out to our praying team. Your intentions will be prayed for throughout the week.

Wedding Coordinators

Wedding coordinators set rehearsal times, direct rehearsals, set up the day of the wedding, assist during the wedding and answer any questions from the bride and groom you may have.

Wedding Hospitality Ministry

Wedding Hospitality Ministry provides a physical presence of hospitality to parishioners and guests at our parish weddings, helping all to feel at home in the house of God.

Welcome for Parishioners

Those new to the parish or wishing to learn about St. Patrick Catholic Community are invited to attend a Welcome Orientation, offered on a Sunday at noon or on a weekday evening on alternate months, approximately eight times a year.

Women’s Bible Study Group

Women’s Bible Study Group meets weekly to share and discuss the Word of the Lord. Each woman prepares the lesson on her own and the group comes together every Tuesday morning to talk about what the lesson taught us. The women bond together in prayer, laughter, and love while learning about serving God.

Women's Fellowship

The Women's Fellowship Ministry is open to all women of the parish. In addition to hosting the Fall and Spring Prayer Gatherings, they have established a community of women through spiritual service, and social opportunites such as volunteering at Spring Training games, supporting an active book club in the Dorothy Day Parish Library, and organized the Cake Walk at the Fall Festival.

Young Adult Ministry

A lot of young adults are seeking meaning in life. We at St. Patrick know God can speak into your life, and we make it easier for you to hear his call so you can build the life you have imagined with a supportive spiritual community behind you. St. Patrick Young Adult Ministry welcomes men and women in their 20’s and 30’s to create community by attending the Youth & Young Adult Mass at 5:00 pm on Sundays.

Young Disciples

Young Disciples is a developmentally appropriate program for our three and four year old children. We explore the gospel through song, storytelling, puppets, dance, crafts and play. We meet Sundays during the 8:30 am and 10:30 am Masses. All children, 3 & 4 are welcome to attend; kindly register your child upon their first visit. Give your child the gift of an age appropriate church experience.

Youth Liturgy Lectors