Living Beyond Sunday Blog

First Down with Fr. Eric (September 15, 2024)

Dear Friends,  We have recently been hearing from the Gospel of John, Chapter 6, in what is called the Bread of Life discourse. Jesus offers himself, his Body, and his Blood to be consume...
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First Down with Fr. Eric (September 8, 2024)

Dear Friends, Human conflict grabs many eyeballs. Many people give their attention to things when people are not getting along, when disagreements go to the edge, and when unpredictable behavi...
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First Down with Fr. Eric (September 1, 2024)

Dear Friends,Many years ago St. Patrick had only one building on our property, the building we now call FENLON HOSPITALITY CENTER. That one building held everything we did as a parish community...
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First Down with Fr. Eric (August 25, 2024)

Dear Friends,We live in a world where many people need to work long hours to help their businesses be successful, others to afford to raise a family, and others because their profession demands man...
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First Down with Fr. Eric (August 18, 2024)

Dear Friends,Every year at this time there are men who have been accepted into the seminary to begin their studies and discernment about the priesthood. In August,1979 I entered the college seminar...
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