Stewardship GPS

Giving, Praying, and Serving

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Stewardship is rooted in gratitude.

It is a way of living one’s life, based in one’s sense of radical gratitude to God, creator of all things. Out of the desire to demonstrate our thankfulness to God, we reach out in caring and love to share the gifts we have been given with others. We live as stewards because we must. As St. Theresa of Avila notes, “Christ has no body now on earth but yours; no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which He is to go about doing good; yours are the hands with which He is to bless people now.”

Traditionally stewardship has been thought of as giving of Time, Talent, and Treasure. At St. Patrick, stewardship is lived in a different way: the action of Giving, the action of Praying, and the action of Serving. Together, we call these “GPS.” An electronic GPS helps navigate a journey toward a destination. In the same sense, the Stewardship GPS guides the Christian along the journey to God. Use the links below to learn more about each of the areas of the GPS.

Giving at St. Patrick

It is a way of living one’s life, based in one’s sense of radical gratitude to God, creator of all things. Out of the desire to demonstrate our thankfulness to God, we reach out in caring and love to share the gifts we have been given with others. We live as stewards because we must. As St. Theresa of Avila notes, “Christ has no body now on earth but yours; no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which He is to go about doing good; yours are the hands with which He is to bless people now.”

Traditionally stewardship has been thought of as giving of Time, Talent, and Treasure. At St. Patrick, stewardship is lived in a different way: the action of Giving, the action of Praying, and the action of Serving. Together, we call these “GPS.” An electronic GPS helps navigate a journey toward a destination. In the same sense, the Stewardship GPS guides the Christian along the journey to God. Use the links below to learn more about each of the areas of the GPS.

Ways to Give

Give Electronically

You may make a contribution online (either a one-time donation or on a monthly/weekly basis) using our online system. Click here to give now! You may also create a username and password to keep track of your giving and for ease-of-use. Additionally we have electronic Kiosks in the Narthex of the church that can be used for electronic, one-time donations.

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Give by Cash or Check

You may make a contribution by cash or check using a Stewardship envelope or by placing funds directly in the offertory basket at mass. Additionally you may make a donation by check or money order made out to St. Patrick Catholic Community. Checks can be mailed to the parish: St. Patrick Catholic Community, 10815 N. 84th St, Scottsdale AZ, 85260.

Other Ways to Give

There are many other ways to give financially to our parish. Options include stocks or bonds, including the parish in a will or trust, donations of land or property, and many more. Please contact Sue Orlando (480-998-3843 x. 119) in the parish office to discuss these options. Thank you for taking the time to make a special contribution to our community!

Diocese of Phoenix Charity & Development Appeal

When you give to the Charity & Development Appeal you support the work of more than 70 organizations and ministries in our Diocese, transforming the lives of thousands of people. Together, we can put our faith into action. Together, we can do more than any one parish or person can do. Blessed are you!

Learn about the CDA

Annual Reports

Each year we provide a GPS Stewardship Report and a financial summary so everyone can see how the gifts given to us are used to build up the Kingdom of God. In addition, we ask everyone to fill out a commitment card once a year. This helps us budget and it helps you set your GPS, your giving, praying & serving, for the next year. Use the buttons below to download the most recent versions.

Stewardship GPS Report Financial Summary Commitment Card

Stewardship Envelope

Perhaps you’ve seen small envelopes placed in the collection baskets at Mass. Traditionally these are used only for a donation cash or check…but not at St. Patrick! The envelopes give all households the ability to offer their Gift, Prayers, and Service each and every week. There are lines on one side of the envelope that allow you to examine your week (or with your family) and indicate how you served God, how you prayed, and for any prayer requests. Once you’ve filled out these areas, you may place a financial gift inside the envelope. If you give financially by another method or time-frame than a weekly envelope, there is a place on the other side to indicate that.

The staff at St. Patrick gathers all of the envelopes and prayers for your intentions specifically each week. We encourage every household to take advantage of these special new envelopes and spend a few moments each week to offer all three stewardship opportunities: Giving, Praying, and Serving!

Give Now

Praying at St. Patrick

When we pray we communicate with God. Parishioner Ginette Daniels reflects that “Prayer is our way of letting God know who we are and what we need to get closer to Him. When the Israelites were at their wit’s end with Pharaoh’s demands, they cried out to God. God heard, God remembered, God saw and God knew. If the best we can do is pray that we might learn how to pray, that works too. God delights in our reaching out to Him. Prayer quiets us down long enough to hear the Holy Spirit, the still small voice of God inside us.”

Jesus teaches us that it is necessary to pray always without becoming weary (cf. Lk 18:18). St Paul returns to the same teaching. He writes to the Thessalonians: “Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thes 5:17-18) . When we pray, we are always in union with God, and in turn, with one another.

Get Involved
There are many opportunities for prayer both in private or in community at the parish. We have included the following resources to assist you in your journey. Don’t know where to start? Consider these ideas to get started:

Take five or more minutes a day to simply talk to God, either mentally or in journal form. Learn more about spiritualities and venture out to learn more about different prayer forms.Join a prayer or study group in the parish to enter into community with others.

Devotion Resource Center

Serving at St. Patrick

Service: At the Core of the Gospel
At the very heart of Christian stewardship is the act of service.

“Mature disciples make a conscious, firm decision, carried out in action, to be followers of Jesus Christ no matter the cost to themselves. Beginning in conversion, change of mind and heart, this commitment is expressed not in a single action nor even in a number of actions over a period of time, but in an entire way of life. It means committing one’s self to the Lord.” (Stewardship – A Disciple’s Response, U. S. Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Stewardship)

A stewardship parish seeks to be that common faith community within which parishioners are invited and have the opportunity to serve and be served, giving, receiving and sharing their God-given giftedness. It is through the pillar of Stewardship and service at the parish (or broader community level) that a Christian steward is provided the opportunity to respond, in action, to his/her call to discipleship individually and/or collectively.

It is therefore the role of the parish staff, the stewardship council and the many ministry leaders to be attentive to the needs of parishioners, and in turn to provide the opportunity for them to respond in gratitude and action in recognition of the gifts they have received. You can explore this further using the links below.

Ministries Social Justice

Stewardship Council

Fr. Eric Tellez
Stewardship Council Member/Pastor

Sharon Fabyanic
Coordinator of Stewardship & Development

Alex Cudzewicz
Stewardship Council Member

Michelle Kurth
Stewardship Council Member

Nicole Fornabaio
Stewardship Council Member

Tom Dertinger
Stewardship Council Member

Laurie Campos
Stewardship Council Member

Diana Wermes
Stewardship Council Member

Ethan Sauerhoefer
Stewardship Council Member

Frank Dominguez
Stewardship Council Member/Staff

Finance Council

Fr. Eric Tellez

Kay VanDyke
Finance Council Member

Mike Dempsey
Finance Council Member

Mike Tully
Finance Council Member

Dean Hoffman
Finance Council Member

Mary Beth Wifler
Finance Council Member

Scott Fitzgerald
Finance Council Member/Staff

Frank Dominguez
Finance Council Member/Staff