Fair Trade Ministry
Fair Trade Ministry offers parishioners an opportunity to support and purchase fair trade products, allowing us to participate in the economy in a fundamentally moral and just way. A bazaar is organized to stand in solidarity with our low income brothers and sisters around the world.
Contact Katie Woodward at (480) 225-0225 or email fairtrade@stpatcc.org or Richard DiCarlo at rdicarlo@stpatcc.org or (480) 998-3843 x 107.
Just Chocolate is proud to bring Divine Chocolate to St. Patrick. Divine is a delicious chocolate produced from cocoa grown and harvested in Ghana. The cooperative (Kuapa Kokoo which means “good cocoa growers”) is co-owned by its 85,000 farmer members who supply the cocoa for each bar of Divine. As owners, they get a share of the profits, a say in the company and a voice in the global marketplace, all in the spirit of justice. Contact Katie Woodward at (480) 225-0225 or justchocolate@stpatcc.org.
Just Coffee – Café Justo is a coffee grower cooperative based in Salvador Urbina, Chiapas, Mexico. The cooperative members produce a pure, organic coffee which is grown, harvested and marketed in the spirit of justice. The goal is to provide incentives for people to remain on their family lands. St. Patrick JustFaith graduates sponsor the sale of Just Coffee in the parish as a way to put their faith and action into justice. Contact Teri Johnson at (480) 577-2926 or Delores Fangman at (602) 566-3773. Email justcoffee@stpatcc.org.