Adult Confirmation Workshop
Catholics who need to be Confirmed, THIS MESSAGE IS FOR YOU!
Have you been BAPTIZED but never received your CONFIRMATION? Now might be the right time to receive your final Sacrament of Initiation.
All you need to do is show up on February 15, 2025 or March 8, 2025, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm with your baptism certificate, sponsor (if they can come), and birth certificate. If you need a bit more time to get your Baptism Certificate or Birth Certificate, Dr. Lenny will work with you to get it done.
Dr. Lenny Kelley is doing a one-morning Sacrament of Confirmation workshop for all Baptized Catholics. I know many of you have been thinking about receiving your Confirmation for some time because you have told me. Now is your chance.
The Actual Confirmation will happen at the Easter Vigil (April 19, 2025) or when the Confirmation Mass is scheduled by the Diocese of Phoenix’s Bishop’s office (TBD)
What do you need to do to receive your Confirmation?
1. Register by emailing with the subject line reading “Adult Confirmation.”
2. Get your baptism certificate from the parish you were baptized.
3. Send your baptism certificate to or bring it with you on February 15, 2025 or March 8, 2025.
4. Show up at the Easter Vigil or when the Bishop is here (TBD), and receive your Sacrament of Confirmation.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Lenny at 480-998-3843 or