First Down with Fr. Eric (November 27, 2022)

Posted on: Nov 27, 2022

Dear Friends,  

Since September, we have focused on the theme of GATHER. How it is God’s desire that all humanity will gather together at the eternal banquet. For us as disciples of Jesus, we remember that GATHERING allows us to serve others, to share our stories, and to remind ourselves we belong to God’s family. With the season of Advent, the beginning of a new liturgical year, we now focus on the word PROCLAIM.  

Advent is a reminder that before Jesus came into our world as human, his coming was proclaimed by messengers. Proclaiming is also speaking truth of who Jesus is and to know his message of truth. Speaking truth is also the telling of the story of Jesus - his teachings, his example of compassion, his calling sinners to repent and believe in him.      

For the season of Advent, Christmas, and the beginning of the New Year, we will focus on the word PROCLAIM and recall all the early messengers who proclaimed that Jesus was coming.  

May God bless all of us as we enter into the Advent season. 

Peace in Christ,

Fr. Eric

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Fr. Eric Tellez
ext. 175