First Down with Fr. Eric (July 24, 2022)

Posted on: Jul 24, 2022

Dear Friends, 

We invite everyone to take a look at our new and improved Parish Website. Even more friendly with all types of equipment, including cell phones. Looking forward to feedback as we can always find things to correct if people are having any challenges in finding information.

As the COVID numbers increase, we remind parishioners to feel free to wear masks to Mass or any meetings at the parish. At the current time, hospitalizations are up, but ICU stays and deaths are low for now. A reminder for those who are vulnerable to be sure to take good care of themselves and any loved ones at home that you take care of and serve.

We say goodbye to Brian Cannon who has taken a new position up the road at Notre Dame Prep. A new position in working with the youth in ministry and other responsibilities. We thank Brian for sharing his ministry gifts with us through Adult Formation, podcasts and videos, and overseeing some important sacramental ministries. We were blessed with his presence with us. 

Peace in Christ,

Fr. Eric

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