Dear Friends,
January 12, 1969, is a date that will live in my memory. As a 10-year-old boy I learned about supporting sports teams I liked. My team growing up was the Baltimore Colts. Each week I lived or died on the outcome of their games. The boys would gather at school and we would express pride in the teams we liked. On that day in 1969, the Baltimore Colts lost to the New York Jets, as the Colts were an 18-point favorite. I cried and was so heartbroken that I could not look at any newspaper reports, TV highlights, or the history of Super Bowl III for over 25 years. One day it changed for me and I was able to say ‘let it go’ and look at what really matters.
That event in my childhood was part of growing up, learning to accept things that do not go my way, my pride with the boys was wounded, and it hurt. Now I see events much differently, not being defined by the losses in my life, or being disappointed in things around me. Does it still hurt? Of course. But now I am able to have a different perspective and not hang on to the pain for so long.
January 12, 1969, is a date that began a journey to figure out how to mature when dealing with disappointment. Disappointment with people, events, sorrows, and pain. That kind of thing can never be totally avoided, but learning how to navigate through it all is what we can do better in life.
Peace in Christ,
Fr. Eric