First Down with Fr. Eric (August 14, 2022)

Posted on: Aug 11, 2022

Dear Friends,  

Jesus is often referred to as the Teacher in the Gospels. The position of sitting at the feet of the teacher was one of learning. Men would take that position of learning and we also have women taking that position as well, and we heard that recently when Mary sat at the feet of Jesus. Jesus said she has chosen the better portion. This shows how important it is to be formed as a disciple.

After Masses this Sunday and next, we have our Formation team outside registering and learning about what is offered for all levels of formation for children, teens and adults. Parents, we encourage you in deciding what is important to your children that with all the activities going on, having your child sit at the feet of the Teacher, Jesus is important.

Discipleship always includes a decision to follow, to make it an important way of life. Jesus tells Martha that Mary has chosen the better portion, learning at the feet of Jesus. The better portion for all the baptized is to learn from Jesus and what he teaches. 

The telling of the stories of Jesus and what he teaches is central to sharing the faith. His message cannot keep dying in the minds and hearts of many. Our baptism calls us to keep sharing and keep the flame of our faith shining. I hope our parishioners and others choose the better portion in life, learning at the feet of Jesus.  

Peace in Christ,

Fr. Eric

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